It is true. Everything is true. The Americans have captured and imprisoned them. They did not want to see what could be achieved if we got to the bottom of the things we consider paranormal and learnt to use them. That is why they lost the war.

The Sonderkommando für Paranormales stopped existing in our universe in early 1945, but still exists in another: U-3378-DE. We have been able to obtain vast amounts of data from there and, after cataloguing all of it, we will make it available on the Foundation database, document by document. Please bear in mind that the SKP here and there are two distinct entities. In this document, you will find information about both.1 We assume that both have their origin in the same universe that, following a brief phase of indefiniteness during an SKP experiment conducted in 1944, have developed in separate directions. Therefore, both are considered variants of the same GoI.
— Dr. Irma Bauer
In the SCP-Universe
In 1935 the Hexenkartothek2, or H-Sonderauftrag, was established within the Sicherheitsdienst (SD)3 of the SS on Himmler's command, to catalogue historical cases of witch-hunting. This was due to a personal interest of Himmler's in witch-hunts, as well as a minor interest in esoterics, and was initially presumably aimed at finding way to convict the catholic church of crimes against “Germanic heritage”, and to uncover an alleged Jewish conspiracy behind it. In 1937 or 1938, something was apparently discovered that convinced Himmler of the existence of the anomalous. It is unknown what was found, but records imply that it was only raw data and not any actual anomaly.
In mid-1938 Himmler founded the Sonderkommando für Paranormales4. In opposition to the Ahnenerbe e.V.5 (to which the SKP had no connection, contrary to common misconceptions of current historical research) the SKP - like the H-Sonderauftrag - was kept secret from the very beginning, and, thanks to the post-war efforts of the Foundation, it still is. Initially, the SKP was under control of the SD. After the merger of the SD and the Sicherheitspolizei (Sipo)6 to form the Reichssicherheitshauptamt (RSHA)7, it became a top secret bureau within Amt II. Following the restructuring of the RSHA in 1941 it was transferred to the Persönlicher Stab Reichsführer-SS8, which also controlled the Ahnenerbe e.V., the Lebensborn e.V.9 and others. The SKP remained top secret, even within the SS, and its personnel, materials and sites were most often disguised as divisions of the SS-Führunghauptsamt10, such as the Waffen-SS, but also of other SS-Hauptämter11 like the RSHA.
The SKP was working on several projects with the primary goal to create anomalous war materials, but also carried out basic research. Though the SKP owned several anomalies, partly captured, partly created via unknown means, none of these anomalies were complete. Hitler was critical of the SKP's concept from the beginning and did not believe in the existence of anomalies; during a presentation of a simple anomalous object he is reported to have been talking of illusionist tricks and to have ushered Himmler out. In early 1944, after much fruitless research, SKP-███ was ready for its breakthrough12. However, during a test in the presence of Himmler and an observer sent by Hitler, an accident occurred causing multiple deaths and injuries, after which Hitler withdrew funding for the SKP. The organization and its research was then continued by Himmler in private and through channels kept secret from Hitler. For a brief time, SKP-███ seems to have become indefinite, as in U-3378-DE the experiment succeeded, whereupon Hitler's observer recommended the utilization of the anomaly, presumably an anomalous engine, which helped the SKP become officially acknowledged, after which it came to play a big part in the victory of the Third Reich there.
Here, the SKP was scaled down, though it continued its most promising projects; some were even finished, but failed due to Hitler's unwillingness to utilize them. Shortly afterwards, in early 1945, the only remaining site of the SKP surrendered to the advancing US forces and was assimilated by the Foundation, as had previously been agreed upon between the SKP's director and the SCP Foundation behind Himmler's back. The Foundation incorporated most of the personnel from the SKP and secured its research and anomalies. All files concerning the SKP remaining with the SS were destroyed and witnesses were amnesticized. Only years later was there any investigation into the backgrounds and plausibility of war crimes committed by former SKP members, who up until then had faced no consequences for their actions.
Author's note:
A historical Nazi-GoI is a delicate matter for some and can - ripped from its context - easily be misunderstood. However, I do not want to write any story that does the thinking for the reader, and no stories based around good and evil: Every reader shall draw their own conclusions. Every article I write for the SKP is free of value judgements and written from the perspective of the SKP or the SCP-Foundation, not from my perspective; any evaluations within the articles are always in-universe. Thereby, it is not always obvious who is justified, what is right and what is wrong, and what is morally and ethically reasonable. This is intentional. The Nazis of reality did not see themselves as villains, and so neither do the Nazis of the SCP-Universe. I try to make the events and background as realistic as possible, or as would be plausible under the given circumstances. As has been said, the interpretation is up to the reader, and I take no responsibility for whatever conclusions the readers may come to.
In my articles about the historical SKP, I try to make the reader as uncomfortable as possible, without dehumanizing the Nazis. I would prefer if other authors followed the same concept. At the same time, I would like to apologize for any possible impact my articles may have on the reader.13
— Dr_Grom
The SKP in the SCP-Universe is not - as in the SKP-Universe - an alternate history, but basically an extension of our reality. Therefore, extensive research and consolidation of all historical facts is of great importance. An article gains much more depth by mentioning real places, dates and events. The SKP itself is no occult or esoteric organization in the way Hollywood likes to depict Nazi organizations. It is a top-secret research institution, and nothing more. No rituals, no pompous buildings, no nightly seances, no sacrifices.
History of the SKP
- 1935 - Himmler founds the Hexenkartothek◥DE, also called Hexen-Sonderauftrag14, a group dedicated to researching historical witch-hunts. It was part of the Sicherheitsdienst◥ of the SS and later of the Reichssicherheitshauptamt◥.
- 1937 or -38 - they discover something that incites Himmler to found the SKP in 1938 as a top-secret research group for the anomalous, as a division of the SD.
- 1939 - The SD is merged with the Sicherheitspolizei to form the Reichssicherheitshauptamt, the SKP became a top-secret bureau in Amt II.
- 1941 - it was transferred to the Persönlicher Stab Reichsführer SS◥, as with other personal projects of Himmler's, like the Ahnenerbe◥ or Lebensborn◥.
- In the end of march 1944 an anomaly with which the SKP intended to convince Hitler was tested, which caused an accident. The project was deemed a failure and Hitler cut funding to the SKP. In the SKP-U, the test succeeded. The anomaly became indefinite during the test, resulting in splitting the Universe into two story lines. At this point, the story of the SKP-U begins. In the SCP-Universe, Himmler continued the SKP, scaled down into even greater secrecy, with its separaye or branched-off finances. The SKP only has one remaining site in Kassel (today Site-DE3).
- January 1945 - Himmler tried to convince Hitler with an anomalous bio-weapon, failed, and was ordered to disband the SKP.
- March 1945 - The commander of the SKP, Standartenführer15 Schön, opened secret negotiations with the Foundation, in light of the the advancing US forces.
- April 1st, 1945 - The SKP surrendered to the US army and was taken over and disbanded by the Foundation a few days later.
- The SKP uses equipment and weapons that were common for that time. No anomalous material.
- The SKP wear SS uniforms, but are always disguised as part of the Waffen-SS or another SS main office, but rarely as part of the Personal Staff RFSS.
- The SKP only possessed combat vehicles either for defence or its projects. It never actively took part in combat.
- All members of the SKP were members of the SS and the NSDAP.
- They all were more or less convinced Nazis, all members of the SKP were hand-picked.
- Many researchers and officers were selected by Himmler himself.
- All were convinced of the necessity of their work, even if some were disgusted by their methods like human experiments.
- Some may have been religious, but exclusively Christian.
- The working atmosphere in the SKP was relatively good; as most members were academics and not soldiers, there was an appropriate tone among one another. The working climate might have been the same as in the Foundation at that time.
Special Facilities
- The SKP had three facilities up until March 1944. After the accident, only one remained in Kassel, currently Site-DE3 of the Foundation. It also was Special Facility 3 of the SKP, and its largest facility.
- Special Facility 3 was the only subterranean complex. Special Facility 1 was an estate in Lower Saxony, and Special Facility 2 was a research facility built for the SKP near Munich.
- The SKP did not leave tracks in Special Facility 1 and 2, and both are now private or public property.
- Special Facility 3 back then then had a large surface area. The main building, which today is disguised as a hotel, was the administrative centre of the facility. There were also some auxiliary buildings with living quarters and a garage. To not make it a target for aerial strikes, there were no other buildings. Today only the main building is still standing.
- The SKP answered only Himmler.
- Although Standartenführer Schön, the commander of Special Facility 3, was the highest-ranking officer in the SKP, due to the strict secrecy of the organization, every facility organized itself and there was no common leader. Only when the SKP was concentrated in Special Facility 3 did Schön become the de facto director of the whole organization.
- The SKP was originally meant to become an association like the Ahnenerbe or Lebensborn when it was transferred to the Personal Staff RFSS, though it retained its status as an official bureau.
- The internal structure of the SKP is simple. Each project is led by a Project Leader, who is supported by other researchers and assistants. The guards and other personnel are managed by the facilities' staff.
Anybody, from any branch, can contribute to the "historical" SKP.
All anomalies of the SKP in the SCP-Universe are now SCPs or harmless minor anomalies. It may be that of some, only records exist, while the anomaly itself has been destroyed. These anomalies can be classified as Neutralized SCPs.
As such, there are four sorts of SKP-anomalies:
- Anomalies from the SKP's inventory, today classified as SCP or minor anomaly.
- Anomalies of the SKP that are known but the Foundation was unable to get hold off, also SCPs.
- Anomalies of the SKP that have been destroyed, today neutralized SCPs and/or archived original documents.
- Objects the SKP considered anomalous, but have proven not to be otherwise, today EX-SCPs and/or archived original documents.
- There are no derivatives: no SCPs are rewritten into SKPs. The only exemption are an SKP-U derivative of an SCP-U SKP.
In the early SKP there were no personnel- and object classes, and no MEKs. Though it already uses the typical SKP-terminology:
- Anomaly: Paranormality (Paranormalie)
- Termination: Liquidation (Liquidierung)
- Site: Special Facility (Sondereinrichtung)
- Texts in German are written according to older spelling standards, e.g. dass = daß etc.
Please see also the formatting help in the following collapsible.
It is highly recommended to perform extensive research before and while writing an SKP-article.
- In SKP articles playing during WW2, the only real-world individuals to be mentioned by name should be important and well-known figures.
- It is not clear if articles in an SCP-Wiki fall under freedom of art in German law. Therefore (and as the following are illegal in several other countries too):
- No swastikas may be depicted. Pictures with Swastikas shall have graphical distortions covering the swastikas “by accident”, conveniently obscuring them. They can also be censored by the Foundation.
- No Nazi salutes and similar paroles may be used. They may be paraphrased though may not be quoted or described in detail.
- Please do not write Nazi-zombies on laser-raptors or comic-villains into the SKP-background.
- Please do not write Joke-articles featuring the SKP. We find that highly inappropriate.
- Until a bigger author base has developed, I (Dr_Grom) ask that my feedback be requested when writing an SKP-article, though my feedback is not compulsory. Only if the defined background is deviated from too heavily, the topic is treated flippantly, or is simply poorly implemented, do I reserve the right to reject an article, to maintain the intended quality of SKP-articles.
On the EN wiki, there already exists an established Nazi-GoI: the “Obskurakorps”. Thus far, they have been developing in a direction that is, unfortunately, incompatible with the background of the SKP. In my interpretation of the SKP, the Obskurakorps does not exist. Should it develop in a more compatible direction, I would be glad to add them to the background as a competitor or such (them being part of the Ahnenerbe, while the SKP is part of the SD, RSHA or the same authority the Ahnenerbe answers to respectively), but right now, that does not seem possible. I ask that you to take this into account.
In the SKP-Universe (U-3378-DE)
The Sonderkommando für Paranormales was founded following the findings of the H-Sonderauftrag, to acquire paranormalities and study their use for the Reich.
By the latter half of 1944, when the first battle-ready SKPs had been completed and were waiting for their first use in battle, some generals already deemed the war lost. But the mass production of SKP-███ in 1945 granted us independence from oil. When the Americans released the nuclear bomb on Cologne, they spelled doom on their north-eastern coast. On the 12th of May 1951 the war ended. All European countries where happy to join the Großdeutsches Reich16, allies became vassals and defeated overseas countries became colonies.
The American SCP Foundation that locked paranormalies away and hid them instead of researching and utilizing them was integrated in the SKP. Unwilling members where reclassified as T-Personnel and useless paranormalities where destroyed.
The Führer's death in the 1970th shook the Großdeutsches Reich, but the SKP was spared the consequences of the week-long succession war, it even profited from the toppling of the SS, which now could no longer hold back any paranormalities.
Since then, peace reigns supreme on our world. No one dares to rebel. We can use SKPs much more manifold than just for battle now. Nowadays, we can turn dissidents into proud citizens of the Reich at a 100% success rate. We have defeated many of the diseases that have plagued mankind for millennia. Nobody is born a cripple or an imbecile, nobody has to starve, nobody has to live an empty or unfulfilling life. Not anymore.
We know there are other universes, where mankind continues to suffer from hunger, injustice, disease, multilingualism and stride. We seek to change this and search for measures to let the Germans of other universes partake in our fortune.
Groups of Interest of the SKP-Universe
Pan-Slavic Resistance (PSR)
German: Panslawischer Widerstand (PSW)
The Pan-Slavic Resistance, or PSR for short, was formed in 1964 at a Slavic Congress called by the Slavic resistance movements, which resulted in the unification of Slavic freedom fighters. The resulting Pan-Slavic Resistance has been waging a covert struggle against the Großdeutsche Reich since then, using paranormalies with a Slavic origin. Over time, a pagan cult of paranormalies spread among its members, leaving a lasting mark on the Pan-Slavic Resistance through Slavic beliefs.
For a list of articles tagged with psw, see here.
Groups of Interest of the SCP-Universe
All Groups of Interest from the SCP-Universe can also exist in the SKP-Universe, given the requirements for their existence. Though not necessarily in the same form.
This list right now just contains GoI of the German branch. You want a GoI from another branch listed? Ask Dr_Grom. Though for the sake to keep this list short, GoI will only be added if they are either useful for the background or if they are required for an article you want to write.
SCP Foundation
The SCP Foundation attempted to acquire the paranormalities in use by the SKP after 1945, and to contain or neutralize them. During the course of the war, they had to give up increasingly more sites worldwide, however, and withdrew more and more to their headquarter in the USA. When the German Reich, in reaction to the American nuclear bomb on Cologne, depopulated the east-coast of the USA via massive use of SKPs, and later initiated an invasion of the USA, the SCP Foundation found itself forced to utilize anomalies against their doctrine, but was unable to compete with the therein much more experienced SKP. When the USA surrendered in May 1951 and the war ended, the Foundation retreated to their remaining remote sites. Thus, the SKP came into possession of many facilities and anomalies, some of which were destroyed or terminated. Yet the Foundation continued their resistance for several more weeks, before it finally had to surrender. The remaining anomalies of the Foundation entered into the possession of the SKP, the Foundation's sites where taken over and their personnel were either integrated, liquidated or reclassified as T-personnel.
The Fourth Reich
Herr Rass was, after he fell into disgrace of the SS in 1943, recruited by the SKP in 1945 and quickly rose to become an important expert of occult matters. He now is one of the most important figures of the SKP and a member of the K5-council. He never founded the 4th Reich.
The company Richter und Thiel Industriegesellschaft mbH17 was founded in the 1980s and acquired a license for production of paranormal products and weaponry for the high-end market from the SKP. Today it is one of the largest manufacturers of the most high-grade and innovative paranormal products worldwide and an important civil partner of the SKP, though their politically neutral stance is not popular among all authorities.
The Mages Academy
During the Second World War the Mages Academy maintained a low profile and managed to remain undetected by the SKP. Following the war and the stabilization of power relations, they decided to reveal themselves to the SKP instead of operating in secrecy and thereby risk annihilation. The SKP was initially distrusting an organization that had kept itself secret for centuries and suddenly revealed themselves, though they decided to make use of the academy and made it a board under control of the SKP. Today, they operate academies worldwide for education of paranormally gifted individuals who are not powerful or useful enough to be classified as SKPs.
Division XXV
German: Abteilung XXV
Division XXV in the SKP-Universe is the code name of a research group of the Gestapo18. It researches anomalies for use of the State Police and for deception of its wheelings and dealings. Division XXV is not sanctioned to deal with, produce or research anomalies and operates hidden from the SKP. As this approach is illegal, Division XXV is highly focused on remaining hidden from other Groups of Interest and especially the SKP, until now with success.
Caecus Carneliana-Collective
The Caecus Carneliana-Collective is, even in the SKP-Universe, a group of artists and activists fighting for the rights of sentient paranormal entities, and is in itself comprised of individuals with paranormal abilities. The SKP and the Gestapo are watching them eagle-eyed, as their works are not uncommonly dangerous for the public. They are politically active and employ Qabbalistic nomenclature. However, their works are exhibited in art galleries world-wide and are very popular among art connoisseurs, albeit are never for sale, despite certain wealthy interested parties offering them millions.
Institute for Human Education and Advancement
German: Institut für menschliche Bildung und Weiterentwicklung
The IMBW is a think-tank and educational institution of the SKP, responsible for the application of paranormalities in humans. In their institutes, paying customers, or those who receive a treatment via stipends or official funding, are treated with paranormalities to induce paranormal properties and train to learn to use their new abilities. Also, the IMBW instructs people with innate paranormal properties, who do not have to be isolated, in the responsible use thereof.
The SKP as well as the Wehrmacht possess an enormous arsenal of normal and paranormal equipment along with, compared to the SCP-Universe, more advanced technology. Many of their weapons are more modern equivalents of weapons also existing in the SCP-Universe or real life, though some are unique to the SKP-Universe. There are multiple manufacturers producing different models, though all conform to the same standard and are therefore identical in handling and maintenance. Deviations are usually meant for special purposes, having special properties and meant for use by special units. All of these are of high quality, resulting in high accuracy and durability.
Infantry weapons
- Primary armaments: The regular infantry of the Wehrmacht and Waffen-SKP use firearms as standard and has the same weapon categories as common in the SCP-Universe. The standard calibres are 6.5 mm19, 5.56 mm20, 7.62 mm21, 9.3 mm22 and 25 mm23. Guards, police and some officers use sub-machine guns in calibres 9 mm, 4.6 mm and 5.7 mm as primary and the latter also as secondary weapon. The Slavic Legions normally use simple assault rifles with a calibre of 5.56 mm.
- Secondary armaments: Except for the Legionnaires of the Slavic Legions, who are forbidden to carry more than one weapon, every soldier carries a 9 mm pistol as secondary weapon. Officers sometimes use the smaller but stronger 4.6 mm and 5.7 mm calibres.
- Special weapons: This category contains all small arms that are not firearms. They require a special training and are only used if necessary. Special weapons are include flame and sonic weapons, laser projectors, pulse, shock, plasma weapons and railguns as well as anomalous weapons.
- Heavy weapons: Deployed in emplacements, on vehicles, tactical power armours and battle droids, along with weapon squads who can set up improvised firing positions. In these cases, heavy variants of firearms and special weapons are available, as well as auto-cannons and mortars. Heavy weapons are usually mounted on a tripod or fixed gun carriages or ball mounts. Most heavy weapons used by infantry require at least one soldier carrying and firing the weapon, one carrying the tripod, and an ammo carrier.
- Melee weapons: Every soldier of the Wehrmacht and the SKP is equipped with a bayonet and/or with a combat knife should their weapon not have a bayonet-mount. Officers get an ornamented variant of the bayonet and always carry it as sidearm. In drill and ceremonial service, a sidearm is always carried, with sword-knot if available; officers may carry an honour dagger, sword or sabre. Pioneers carry hatchets instead of bayonets. Slavic Legionnaires may only carry a bayonet upon command. Special units may be equipped with special, normal and/or anomalous melee weapons, some of which are modelled after medieval weaponry, made from special materials, or have special coatings.
- Defensive arms: All soldiers are equipped with a body armour consisting of a ballistic vest with shoulder pads and helmet, which are resistant against calibres up to 6.5 mm. Soldiers of the front-line infantry can be equipped with full armour, protecting the whole body including the face and protects against 5.56 mm rounds everywhere and against 7.62 mm ones on the head and torso; the helmet is equipped with an integrated ABC filter. Rapid response units at all Special Facilities of the SKP, along with combat MEKs, are equipped with full-body armour. Special units can be equipped with even stronger armour and armour with special properties, such as the ability to adapt their camouflage pattern to the surroundings using a chameleon effect, that are thermoregulated or protect against certain dangers such as radioactivity, intense heat, laser weaponry etc. Officers may equip a customized steel armour imitating various historical types. Special units, guards, and police can be equipped with ballistic shields, bulletproof against 7.62 calibre rounds. There are also large, folding, mobile barricades, protecting from up to 12.7 mm rounds, that can be hooked together and carried or positioned. Slavic Legionnaires are equipped with a steel helmet. Officers and SKP commanders sometimes receive kinetic reflector-shields, which reflect projectiles of firearms back in the direction they came from.
- Uniforms: Every soldier has multiple uniform sets consisting of battle dress (only Wehrmacht), service dress and mess dress. While the light grey service dress of the SKP also functions as a battle dress, the Wehrmacht wears their battle dress in Multitarn24, in colours fitting the regional environment. The service dress is worn by officers and in staff companies every day as well as by all Wehrmacht soldiers in drill and ceremony service as well as parades and special occasions, and is dark grey in the army (black for special units, pilots of Tactical Power Armour and tank-crew), dark blue in the air-force and a black sailor suit in the navy. The mess dress is, depending on the occasion, available in white and black and differs in cut and insignia depending on the military branch. The battle dress is worn with a field cap or garrison cap, the crews of armoured vehicles wear berets, ship crews wear garrison caps or sailor hats. The service dress is worn with a peaked cap for officers and sergeants, garrison cap or sailors hat, the mess dress is worn without headgear. Legionnaries of the Slavic Legions of all branches wear an olive battle- and service dress and an olive garrison cap, a mess dress is not provided. The battle dresses are cut similar to the current battle dress of the Bundeswehr, all other uniforms are cut like a modernized variant of the respective Wehrmacht uniforms.
- Personal equipment: The personal equipment equals the real military standard.
War machinery
- Vehicles: The vehicle fleet of the Wehrmacht and the SKP, like the armament, varies according to region, as there are multiple arms factories competing against one another. Up until the end of the 70s, the Leopard 1 and Kampfpanzer 7025 were the standard tanks after the replacement of the E-Series in the 60th, the latter especially by the Waffen-SKP. After Hitler's death, the acquisition policy for armaments was reformed, and arms manufacturers were allowed to develop their own products, which the larger military formations order locally. In Central Germany, the Leopard 2 is common while in the eastern provinces and Kolonie Rusland the new T-14 replaces the T-90; in Kolonie Nord-Amerika, the M1 is common. The Waffen-SKP, however, uses few ordinary battle tanks but large numbers of the anomalous Battle Tank SKP-017. Tests with walk- or hover-tanks have proven ineffective. Right after the war, super heavy tanks like the PzKpfw VIII Maus proved to be unreliable and impractical failures, the only Land Cruiser P-1000 Ratte that actually had been build was used as a mobile Führer-Headquarters, though rarely deployed as it could not drive on roads, had problems crossing rivers, and destroyed the landscape.
- Aircraft: All military branches possess a fleet of transport helicopters, though combat helicopters and airplanes are only available to the air-force. Manufacturers compete over contracts with local forces in this field as well. However, the SKP has its own fleet of combat, transport, and multi-role planes and helicopters.
- Ships: The Kriegsmarine26 and the Waffen-SKP are the only forces with battleships, whereby the SKP rather has armed research vessels with small escort fleets, which are sometimes supported by the Kriegsmarine. Next to modern ships, the Kriegsmarine also has some modernized historical ships, such as the flagship of the Kriegsmarine, the battleship Tirpitz, whose main armament has been replaced with rail-guns 18 cm calibre, complemented by sea to ground and sea to air missile batteries as well as plutonium-tipped intercontinental missiles.
Tactical Power Armour
The TPA27 were developed from heavily armed battle armours, adding a motorized exoskeleton to support the wearer. They are heavy battle armours that completely enclose the pilot, enhancing the pilot's strength with motors to be able to wear the armour and armament. Usually they have no separate headpiece but a cupola for head and torso, and are usually 2.2 m in height.
The pilot is connected to the TPA's computer via a neural interface, whereby the pilot's consciousness is extended by the TPA's senses such 360° cameras with enlarged visible spectra, sensitive microphones and haptic sensors all over the TPA, but also by its memory units and logic processors. In the same time the computer suppresses emotions and can control some body functions and administer agents. The resulting cybernetic intelligence is not hackable and combines the benefits of man and machine. TPA pilots are regarded as heroes of the Greater German Reich already in life, and sometimes stay in their TPAs in private.
All Tactical Power Armours have a back module from which two types of ammunition or other necessities, such as fuel, coolant or electricity, are fed into the main weapon.
The standard weapon of Tactical Power Armours is a 12.7 mm calibre heavy machine gun, and officers often carry a 25 mm grenade launcher. All other heavy weapons can be equipped by a TPA, if necessary with an additional arm, unless their recoil is too strong like that of rail-guns. Furthermore, there are variants like the Reinforced Tactical Power Armor for use with auto-cannons or other heavier ordnance, which have stronger motors and better armour, or the Heavy Tactical Power Armor, which can carry two heavy weapons and is even more heavily armoured.
Every Tactical Power Armour also is equipped with a secondary weapon on one arm, usually a shortened light machine gun with a drum magazine. Though other infantry- and special weapons are available like automatic shotguns, flamethrowers or laser projectors.
All Tactical Power Armours are coated with RTI-Nanocoat to protect them against non-kinetic energetic and chemical influences like heat, ABC-weapons, corrosive agents and, to some degree, directed-energy weapons. Through the neural connection, weapons attacking the senses are futile. The armour of the standard variant protects against all firearms up to 20 mm. It requires shaped charges or kinetic penetrators for weapons of 20 mm or higher to even damage the armour. Explosions of hand grenades and non-anti-armor weapons to 40 mm can disrupt the TPA's balance but not damage it. The breastplate of the 3 m high Heavy Tactical Power Armor requires 105 mm kinetic penetrators or a railgun to be penetrated. In some cases, Tactical Power Armours are equipped with kinetic reflector or energy shields.
Standard variants are at least as agile as their pilot, can run, jump and move over obstacles. Because of its empty weight of ca. 1 metric ton without weapons and pilot, a running TPA can break through the walls of a house and breach barricades and blockades without problems.
There are rumors of lighter Tactical Power Armours for covert operations, that are faster, more agile, and equipped with a chameleon-camouflage, and variants with shields, flamethrowers and melee weapons for storming emplacements.
Battle droids
Battle droids are very rare and only in service with the Waffen-SKP. They are meant to replace the remotely controlled and error-prone battle robots that never left the testing phase. They currently are in pilot stage. They have the appearance of a humanoid robot of 2.2 m height. Like Tactical Power Armor, they are an invention by the R.T.I. for the SKP.
Little is known about their central processing unit, though it is assumed that it is no quantum computer. They are unable to feel emotions but are able to learn. When not in use, they connect to a superordinate quantum-AI analyzing their memory to develop new tactics, which it uploads to specific units for testing. Thereby the spread of faulty programming through the network is prevented. Battle droids possess an emergency shutdown function which can be triggered by the mission command or via a codeword.
Their armor is similar to that of Tactical Power Armour, though through omission of the pilot, the life support system and the lighter computer with less energy consumption, their weight of 500 kg is just half of that of a TPA, and the costs for mass production is reduced, also they can fold their extremities thus requiring only a third of storage space, compared to a TPA.
With the relevant back module, they can carry the same heavy weapons as Tactical Power Armours can, their secondary armament, however, is often a laser projector or flame thrower on one shoulder, to save space on the arms.
Following the events related to SKP-128, during which many battle droids were hacked, the remains were thoroughly examined, and various approaches to prevent anomalous hacking are currently being tested, including shielding with beryllium-bronze and micro-Scranton Reality Anchors. Until a solution can be found, battle droids are only rarely used.
Author's note:
A background about a world in which the Third Reich won is a delicate matter for some and can - ripped from the context - easily be misunderstood. Though I do not want to write stories that do the thinking for the reader, no stories with good and evil: Every reader shall draw their own conclusions. All articles I write for the SKP are without value-judgement and written from the perspective of the SKP or the SCP-Foundation, not from my perspective; value statements in the articles are always in-universe. Thereby it is not always obvious who is justified, what is right and what is wrong, and what is morally and ethically reasonable. This is intended. The Nazis of reality did not see themselves as the villains, and neither do the Nazis of the SKP-Universe. I try to make the events and background realistic, as it would probably have unfolded under the given circumstances. As said, the interpretation is up to the reader, and I distance myself from any and all conclusions that individual readers come to.28
— Dr_Grom
The SKP is the equivalent of the SCP-Foundation in a universe in which the Nazis won the 2nd World War. We are writing the year 201█ too, have internet, smartphones and many modern stuffs which would not even be possible without use of anomalies. Save for some incidents the world is a peace since the end of WWII and for ethical Germans it is an utopia of abundance. The SKP shares many similarities with nowadays SCP-Foundation, and therefore sometimes seems (with intention) like a distorted reflection.
Only in late March 1944 both universes split from each other, before that they were one. Please regard the section before for everything before that date.
This is only a summary, a more detailed background can be found here.
- The world is divided as follows:
- Großdeutschland29, contains the whole of Europe till the Ural, populated by Germans, non-German Europeans and Slavs.
- Vassal-states with great sovereignty, own government, currency etc., have to obey German orders, similar to countries in the EU have to follow EU law. These are the Japanese Empire, controlling whole East-Asia, the Ottoman Empire controlling the West-Asian and North-African countries and Argentina, controlling almost whole South- and Mid-America.
- Colonies without sovereignty, led by a governor and directly dependent on the Großdeutsches Reich.
- Depopulated Areas, parts of the world that are devastated by the SKP or weapon tests to a degree that they are considered inhabitable. Here are living those of groups that are considered undesirable like colored people, homosexuals, religious and the like who have been deported there, or who fled there. The Reich does not take control there and does not care for the small surviving population. There mostly postapocalyptic and anarchic conditions prevail.
- After Hitler's death in the 70th the organs of the polyocracy started to fight each other for the Führer's succession, as his official successor Göbbels had already died in the 1960th and Hitler did not name another successor. The SS, which grew increasingly incapable of acting through internal conflicts after Himmlers death by assassination, tried to stage a coup against the Wehrmacht and the SKP who wanted a peaceful solution, leading to the Wehrmacht marching into the Waffen-SS' caserns. The resulting week-long succession-war resulted in the disbanding of the SS, refounding of the Gestapo and creation of the ministers-council.
- The ministers-council consists of the ministers and leaders of independent authorities and forms the government. Each ministry is only responsible for its specialized field, canceling the drawbacks of polyocracy. Officially each ministry is subject to the Führer whose place though is currently unfilled. Most ministers name their successor by themselves, the NSdAP has only little political and rather much social significance. The governmental system is de facto a technocratic oligarchy.
- In addition to local languages, German is spoken worldwide.
- There is no unemployment. Germans are not obliged to work and are not part of the statistics, members of “lower races” get assigned a job if they do not find one on their own.
- Nobody needs to suffer from hunger, as everybody has paid work, everybody can afford food and shelter.
- Mist diseases have been conquered, especially by use of SKPs and mandatory vaccination.
- Genetic diseases and disabilities are no longer existing. In case of Germans and well-moneyed non-Germans by gene-manipulation if the embryo, in case of others by enforced abortion.
- The society consists of multiple classes:
- The Germans usually do not do physical labor, if at all. By gene manipulation the average IQ of the Germans is approximately at 140. Most are artists, scientists, intellectuals and officers. They live in a utopia where they get everything they wish for. Through a strict interpretation of the racial-laws their amount today is roughly 40 million. By gene-manipulation and application of SKPs many possess superhuman abilities. Germans by this classification are members of Germanic ethnicities, e.g. Germans, Scandinavians, Dutch and Englishman. Members of this group in ethnic enclaves in Europe and Rusland as well as in oversea colonies can gain Germanity if they prove their heritage sufficiently “Germanic”.
- Non-German Europeans are living similar to the average European in reality, though being employed is mandatory therefore no unemployment exists. The weekly working time is 40 hours in average, the annual income is averagely 25,000 RM.30 They are obliged to obey to Germans, but cannot be in serfdom. There is no free speech and no free press, troublemakers and homosexuals are sent to re-education camps, in which they are brought to line with help of SKPs. They make for the main body of workforce and military in Großdeutschland, but also can reach leading positions if their life and ancestry is flawless.
- Slavs, Asians, Indians and Arabs are - despite for the vassal-states - not much more than better slaves. In the colonies they sometimes are actually traded and they are dependent on their employers’ benignity. Most lower attendants in Großdeutschland are Slavs. As such they can actually earn good coin and have much more freedoms than they would in the colonies.
- Black people, Aborigines and dark-skinned Asians are not considered to be humans and are persecuted systematically. They almost only live in the “depopulated areas”. Jews and Romani people do not exist anymore.
- Religions are illegal. Among Germans and Non-Germans close to the Germans a Germanism-cult of sort has developed, worshiping the glory of the Reich, the deceased Führer and the Germans themselves. Some churches have not been demolished but turned into cultic sites for commemoration of the Führer and fallen of the Reich. There is a tolerated neo-pagan cult in the Wehrmacht that focuses on charms and superstition.
- Hero worshiping is an important part of the Reich's propaganda machine. There are several gigantic monuments for honoring the heroes of the Reich.
The SKP:
- In opposition to the SCP-Foundation the SKP does not hide, instead they are working in the open, are regularly having open days and even an amusement park, the SKP-World near Paris.
- It gained lots of relevance after Hitler's death, as since then it could focus on the civil use of paranormal technology instead of its previous focus on military technology.
- It is led by the K5-council.
- After the war the SKP took over the SCP Foundation and destroyed all unusable SCPs.
- The T-Personnel (the equivalent to D-class) is primarily recruited from prisons and re-education camps, as well as from several classes of population. Despite the danger there regularly are German volunteers.
- The military wing of the SKP, the Waffen-SKP, actively uses SKPs as weapons and war machinery.
- Cooperative trustable humanoid SKPs are let free and work in the SKP, authorities or other organizations.
- The SKP has a considerably better scientific understanding of anomalies than the Foundation. Several objects the Foundation considers anomalous are scientifically explained for the SKP.
- Such as well as still anomalous technology can be made usable for civil use.
- By their better understanding of anomalies, the SKP finds it easier to destroy or contain anomalies, to reduce or change their anomalous properties and in general has more control over anomalies. For example, the SKP was able to kill and neutralize SKP-682.
- The SKP operates schools and universities in which humanoid SKPs learn to use their talents.
- The SKP offers well-monied Germans and Europeans treatment with SKPs to generate paranormal properties, e.g. give an unborn child telekinetic abilities.
Everybody can rewrite SCPs to SKP derivates or write unique SKPs that cannot exist in the SCP-Universe in number-slots of SCPs that cannot exist in the SCP-Universe, like SKP-128, as well as tales etc. of course. Please keep the following in mind then:
Contributions by users of other branches are explicitly appreciated! It is recommended to talk about the idea for the article with Dr_Grom before you start writing thought. Feedback on the background and concept of the SKP is highly appreciated.
The SKP is using some terms differently from the Foundation:
- Anomaly: paranormaly [Paranormalie]
- Termination: liquidation [Liquidierung]
- Site: Special Facility [Sondereinrichtung]
- Mobile Task Force: Mobile Task Force [Mobile Einsatzkräfte (MEK)] I have no idea for another term in English…
- Personnel classes:
- Command personnel (Class K, equal to class A)
- Leading personnel (Class P, equal to class B)
- Standard personnel (Class S, equal to class C)
- Testing personnel (Class T, equal to class D)
- Personnel in quarantine (Class Q, equal to class E)
- The object classes:
- Sicher = Safe [Sicher]
- Euclid = Unsafe [Unsicher]
- Keter = Dangerous [Gefährlich]
- Thaumiel = Not in use, in doubt class Safe
- Neutralized = Declassified or Destroyed [Deklassifiziert or Zerstört]
- dass = daß (in German text blocks you may or may not use)
- In the original no English terms are used despite in information technology. In other languages than English this should be followed too.
- All SCPs from the English wiki are designated SKP-###-US.
- All SCPs of other branches are designated as normal, just with “SKP” instead of “SCP”.
- All SCP-###-DE are SKP-###.
- All SKPs shall be tagged with skp.
- All sites are following the same pattern. Sites in Germany are “Special Facility-##”, sites e.g. in the USA are “Special Facility-US19”, sites in France are using Greek instead of Hebrew letters.
- MTFs are called Mobile Einsatzkräfte (MEK) in German, I have not found a fitting replacement in English yet. All Hebrew letters in the designations of MTFs e.g. from EN are to be replaced with their Greek equivalent. Next to the fraktur letters of German MTFs runes and rune-names can also be used, e.g. MEK-Uruz". * The SKP-Universe is designated U-3378-DE'' by the Foundation
- The SCP-Universe is designated “U-3378” by the SKP.
- When you are writing an SKP article, keep in mind that anomalies, no matter if objects, sentient or even sapient, are more accepted by the society and though are not an everyday sight they are not so special. Maybe like seeing a super car. Therefore, the anomalies react differently. Emphatical anomalies probably are less aggressive or maybe acting like “normal” for their species.
- Not all SCPs are suitable for a derivative. The SKP only keeps anomalies they deem useful or worth being researched, or those it cannot neutralize. Anomalies they deem useless and harmless are declassified (meaning they are set free), all other useless anomalies are getting destroyed. The SKP is much more efficient by destroying anomalies as the Foundation or the GOC. In doubt, just ask.
- There is a German Foundation character who is an expert for the SKP: Dr. Irma Bauer, a Foundation historian. She can be used e.g. for explanations and comments like in the beginning of this article. Her character description can be found (in German) here.
- In no SKP article playing after the real end of WW2, real persons should be mentioned, despite Hitler, Nazi-politicians, and high ranked Axis politicians.
- It is not clear if articles in an SCP-Wiki fall under freedom of art in German law. Therefore, and as the following are illegal in several other countries too:
- No swastikas shall be depicted. Pictures with Swastikas shall have interferences covering the swastikas “by accident”. They can also be censored by the Foundation.
- No Nazi salutes and similar paroles shall be used. They may be paraphrased though not be cited or described in detail.
- Please do not write Nazi-zombies on laser-raptors or comic-villains in the SKP-background if avoidable.
- Please do not write Joke-articles featuring the SKP. We find that highly inappropriate.
- Until a bigger author base has developed, I (Dr_Grom) ask that my feedback is requested when writing an SKP-article, though my feedback is not compulsory. Only if the defined background is deviated from heavily, the topic is treated impious or is simply poorly implemented, I reserve the right to reject the article, to maintain the intended quality of SKP-articles.
The SKP-Theme
Code for the SKP-Theme, just copy and paste this somewhere in your article:
[[module CSS]]
@import url(/component:skptheme/code/1);
You find further information how to add the theme to your wiki itself here.
The SKP-Theme contains additional formatting classes. To use such a class use the following code:
[[div class=CLASSNAME]]
The classes are as following:
- fraktur: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisici elit, sed eiusmod tempor incidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.
- typewriter: Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquid ex ea commodi consequat.
- serif: Quis aute iure reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur.
- monospace: Excepteur sint obcaecat cupiditat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.
You may have noticed the use of fraktur or runic letters in SKP articles (and fraktur letters in German MTF designations). They are part of the Unicode standard and can be displayed on many devices, especially PCs. Devices with problems to display these may have options to install fonts covering a bigger portion of Unicode. Some devices that refuse to display these fonts convert them to their standard font for unknown reasons.
The above fraktur class uses an embedded fraktur font, but you can use Unicode letters for words or single letters. The easiest ways to do so are to use DE's Fraktur table or this converter (use “Math Fraktur”, not “Math bold Fraktur”).
Same goes for runes. You can find a table of elder Futhark and the rune names here.
In the EN wiki the “Obskurakorps”, another Nazi-GoI is establishing. Until now they are developing in a direction that unfortunately is incompatible with the SKP's background. In my interpretation of the SKP they are not existing. If the GoI is developing in a more compatible direction, I would like to add them to the background as a competitor or so (they are part of the Ahnenerbe, the SKP is part of the SD resp. RSHA resp. the same authority the Ahnenerbe is part of) but right now that seems not possible. I ask to take that into account until further notice.
List of SKP-related articles
- SKP-017: R.T.I. Grizzly A1
- SKP-028: SCP-Foundation
- SKP-035: Blood-Gate
- SKP-038: Konditio 452
- SKP-045: What are you looking for?
- SKP-047: R.T.I Mücke
- SKP-128: The invadors
- SKP-136: The Assassin Who Stops Time
- SKP-156: Canberra Mobilizes
- SKP-173-US: The statue
- SKP-217-KO: SKPS Enterprise
- SKP-299: Lost Weeks
- SKP-433-FR: Time Accelerator
- SKP-531-FR: Diebner Toroidal Zone
- SKP-592-FR: Wie die Apokalypse
SCPs about the SKP
- SCP-001-DE-EX: Don't Forget
- SCP-004-INT: Hexenherz
- SCP-028-DE: Sonderkommando for the paranomal
- SCP-073-DE: Last light
- SCP-149-DE: The ghost of ruin
- SCP-188-DE: B4 „Blitzgewitter”
- SCP-357-KO: Sagittarius
- SCP-417-KO: Unsinkable Ship
- SCP-423-FR: Inquisitor's Heart
- SCP-432-FR: An Endless School Day
- SCP-531-FR: Urbex Spatial
- SCP-592-FR: Apocalypse Appréciée
- SCP-4134: Claymore Anti-Personnel Mimes
- SCP-6159-ARC: Primrose Fatish Von Trevil, Formerly the Book-Bound Devil
- The Diary of a Soldier
- The curious case of Dr. Schmitz
- A Completely Normal Forum Discussion
- Operation Cockoo Children
- Project Morning-Gate
- Takeover of the SCP Foundation
- One-upsmanship and three-piece Suits
- Non-exhaustive coalition ರೃ "Concerto Plan Revealed"
- Marlene
Background articles
- Report regarding R-3378-DE "SKP Universe"
- Panslavic Resistance (Panslawischer Widerstand, PSW) - Hub
GoI Formats
Archived invalidated articles