The Italian Branch of the SCP Foundation was born in 2011, spurting from the many efforts of Dr Voker (known as "Salvooker", at the time). Dr Voker, who already owned a YouTube channel, found a discreet group of independent translator lurking in the Creepypasta Italian Wiki, asking for their support in the realization of his project, as the guys and girls there already translated a handful of SCPs at the time. A long and complex process of revision of such articles followed, which in turn brought the group to the creation of an intial, faint italian translations archive.
The project immediately met a halt: the group dissolved and reformed several times in the following three years, due to the members' inability to keep up a constant translation flow. The original idea was to reach at least 500 translated articles before requesting an officialization of the site itself: this was foreseen to happen in a few months.
This goal, undoubtedly very ambitious if we consider the number of people involved in it, soon showed itself to be unreachable. One by one, members became to fall into inactivity, translation turns were no longer updated, and the project, during 2014, finally slumped over.
The site, left to its own and with no control, was soon taken over by vandals who defaced it, asking for a immediate intervention by Dr Voker and one of the survivors from the previous translation group: Dr Pisy. Together, they infused it with new life, modernizing it and laying the bases for a rebirth of the project. Even at the cost of combing around the web for independent translations, there was a strong urge to widen the catchment area, if they wanted to start believing again in the success of the project.
Together with two new moderators, Afro Gufo and DrHavok, two other ex-translators, a new group of hard-working people reformed. After an initial contact with Dr_Grom and Dr Grym, who invited us to participate to the early construction and development of SCP-INT as an unofficial group, the desire to become official immediately rose again. In the span of two months, a Facebook page was created, with the purpose of unite the greatest number of translator possible. The main branch, noticing our struggles, crowned our dream. At this time, the translation process is still ongoing. We are active in the writing of our own SCP-ITs and we are collaborating in the SCP-INT project, with the hope in our hearts that the whole thing won't meet a second failure.